
세포아소프트는 지출 최적화의 시장 선도자로
기업의 현명하고 합리적이고 계획적인 지출 문화를 선도하는 혁신 역할을 하며,
올인원(All-In-One) 지출관리 플랫폼을 만들어갑니다.

About SepoaSoft

SepoaSoft Corporation provides mission critical Spend Management solutions and services to small, midsize and enterprises organizations.

SepoaSoft solutions and services offer an unprecedented opportunity.

SepoaSoft Spend management brings efficiency to your organization’s expense & business travel control and procurement transparency.

Our solutions streamline core modules, functions, cost effective and automated eliminate many cumbersome manual processes.



– PoaProcurement

– PoaSRM(Supplier Relationship Management)

– PoaExpense and Travel

– PoaFTA

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